Grassroots New Earth
The individuals, groups,and organizations Paul Hawken describes and lists are the kinds of folks the ASELF Vision has given ASELF a sacred Trust to support and foster.
Click on the link or click on the triangle in the light rectangle in the TV-screen image. This is incredibly inspiring and uplifting, so energizing and galvanizing us to get involved each in our own way in our own neighborhoods, co-creating the world the way we want it to be.
Paul Hawken, Blessed Unrest and WiserEarth
This is a video talk by environmentalist, entrepreneur, journalist, and author Paul Hawken about his latest book Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming. And you don't even hear about it on the media. About 6 minutes long.
WE also strongly recommend this hour-long talk about the same worldwide movement, by Paul Hawken, in the Authors@Google section of YouTube.
Authors@Google: Paul Hawken
He's pointing out that there are about 1-2 million grassroots organizations in the world, focused on a huge variety of ways of stopping harm to the environment and people, and fostering/implementing new ways of relating to our world and one another. This movement is non-ideological, has no leader, is composed of 100-200 million ordinary people, and is decentralized, he says. There has never been anything like it in history before.
Highly recommended for both optimists and pessimists about the future of humans and the earth.
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